How can you tell when you're making the best choice in the matter?

Making choices is a natural part of life, and we are constantly faced with decisions both big and small. It can be challenging to know if we are making the best choice in any given situation, and this can lead to anxiety and uncertainty. In this blog post, we will explore some ways to tell when you’re making the best choice in a matter.

You feel a sense of peace

When you’re making the best choice, you will often feel a sense of peace and calm. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the decision is easy, but rather that you have a deep sense of knowing that you’re on the right path. This feeling of peace may be accompanied by a sense of excitement or anticipation about what’s to come.

It aligns with your values

When you make a choice that aligns with your values, you are more likely to feel confident that you’ve made the best decision. Consider what’s important to you, and how the decision you’re making aligns with those values. For example, if one of your values is environmentalism, you may feel more confident choosing a job that aligns with sustainable practices, even if it pays less than a job that doesn’t.

It’s supported by evidence

Making decisions based on evidence can help you feel more confident that you’re making the best choice. This might include doing research, seeking advice from experts, or looking at past experiences. Evidence can help you see the potential outcomes of your choices and make a more informed decision.


It feels authentic

When you’re making the best choice, it will often feel authentic and true to who you are. You may feel like the decision is in alignment with your purpose or sense of calling. When you make a decision that feels authentic, you are more likely to be committed to seeing it through, even when it’s challenging.

You have a sense of clarity

When you’re making the best choice, you will often have a sense of clarity about what you need to do. This doesn’t mean that you won’t experience doubt or uncertainty, but rather that you have a clear sense of the steps you need to take. You may feel a sense of direction or purpose that helps you move forward with confidence.

You’ve weighed the pros and cons

One way to tell if you’re making the best choice is to weigh the pros and cons. Consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of each option, and how they align with your goals and values. This can help you make a more informed decision and feel more confident in your choice.

In conclusion, making choices can be a challenging process, but there are ways to tell when you’re making the best choice. By paying attention to your feelings, aligning your choices with your values and purpose, and considering evidence and potential outcomes, you can make more confident and fulfilling decisions. Remember that there’s no one “right” choice and that every decision is an opportunity to learn and grow.